A Little Prayer
As I'm laying here in bed
This tiny little prayer
Keeps running
thru my head
God bless my mom and dad
And bless my little pup
And look out for my brother
When things aren't looking up
And God, there's one more thing
I wish that you could do
Hope ya don't mind me asking
But please bless my computer too??
Now I know that's not normal
To bless a machine
But just listen a second
While I explain to you, my Lord.
You see, that little metal box
Holds more than odds & ends
Inside those small compartments
Rest hundreds of my 'BEST FRIENDS'
Some it's true I've never seen
And most I've never met
We've never exchanged hugs
Or shared a meal a yet....
I know for sure they like me
By the kindness that they give
And this little scrap of metal
Is how I travel to where they live
By faith is how I know them
Much the same as you
I share in what life brings them
From that our friendship grew
"PLEASE" take an extra minute
From your duties up above
To bless this scrap of metal
That's filled with so much love!
Notice To All Who May Visit This House
I have Pets.
They live here. You don't.
If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. That's why they call it "fur"-niture.
I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
To you, they are animals. To me, they are my adopted children who are short, hairy, walk on all fours and don't speak clearly.
And finally...
Remember that dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
Eat less
Don't ask for money all the time
Are easier to train
Normally come when called
Never ask to drive the car
Don't hang out with drug-using people
Don't smoke or drink
Don't want to wear your clothes
Don't have to buy the latest fashions
Don't need a gazillion dollar for collage and...
If they get pregnant, you can sell their children.
My Best Friend
You are with me everyday,
In my heart you'll always stay,
Devoted and loyal in every way,
You loved your hugs and your play,
When I call your name to me you would run,
Games and tug of war were so much fun,
You always new when I was sad,
You would come to me and I was glad,
You are my best friend my sweetheart,
You leave your paw prints on my heart.
Hello...Grooming Shop
Hello....... Grooming Shop! I have this dear dog thats as sweet as can be as soon as you see her I know you'll agree
If it is alright, I will be in about eight
If I'm not there at nine, it means I'll be late.
Sweetie doesn't bite often, she knows it's not nice
just nips little children, and me once or twice.
She doesn't like cages, can't stand other pets
and if she's upset, she just simply wets.
You may bathe her fur, but don't let it soak in
I prefer that the water does not touch her skin
She has a bad back and can't sit or stand
so have her lay down while you empty her glands.
She's allergic to powders and dips make her sneeze
so please use the tweezers to pick out her fleas.
She loathes being brushed and watch how you clip
she has ten thousand matts, but I don't want a strip
There's a few more instructions, so here is a list
ignore that huge lump, it is only a cyst.
Leave her back long to hide her bad hip
a french moustache to cover the wart on her lip
She laid down in something thats black and quite gummy
but she always gets cold, so don't shave her tummy.
Poodle feet, poodle tail, of course, thats the style
Don't clip her nails, please use a file.
A very high top knot perfectly round
so what if there's little hair to be found.
I'm sure with your talent, if you just use your noodle
you can make my chihuahua look just like a poodle.
There's a few other things you really should know
she wants some perfume and a polka dot bow.
I'll be there to get her, I can't say just when
but just in case, have her ready by ten.
θ.Informacioni nga te gjithe afrihesst Shqiptaret te sotme per Shqiperia eshte ne vendi e mitologjise dhe parahistorise duke shkruar dhe botuar shume genjimet e ngjarjet fantastiket,imagjinaret plotesisht.ι.Banaliteti historike e Shqiperise te sotme kunder Greqise paraqesitet dhe ngjan me ai qe tregon mosbindje edhe mosmiresjellje ndaj vet punedhenes e shpetimtar,prej te njejte babain..eshte moster e mosmirenjohes njeriu i cili nuk mund dhe nuk deshiron te respektuar dhe se,fundimisht,nuk ne prin te ekzistoje..ια.Do te doja te mesuar gjuha shqip me shume se nje Shqiptar te sotme per te vertetuar se Greket me mend mundojne t'u tregojne sa vertete kane per zemer dhe sa kultura e civilizimi kane dhene edhe drite ne njerezimi,ne bota..ιβ.Deshirojme veprat me shkencoret dhe nuk ''veprat'' per propaganda nacionaliste ose per te krijuar dicka mitologjik e rreme ne fundi per ne..Μεταγλώττισηθ.Η πληροφόρηση από όλους σχεδόν τους σημερινούς Σκιπετάρους για την Σκιπερία είναι στη σφαίρα της μυθολογίας και παρα'ι'στορίας γράφοντας και δημοσιεύοντας πολλά ψεύδη και γεγονότα φανταστικά,φαντασιώδη πλήρως.ι.Η ιστορική χυδαιότητα της σημερινής Σκιπερίας ενάντια στην Ελλάδα εμφανίζεται και ομοιάζει με αυτόν που δείχνει απείθεια καθώς και κακή διαγωγή στον ίδιο του τον εργοδότη και σωτήρα,προς τον ίδιο του τον πατέρα..είναι δείγμα του αγνώμονα ανθρώπου,ο οποίος δεν 'μπορεί και δεν επιθυμεί να σεβαστή και που,τελικά,δεν μας ωφελεί να υπάρχει..ια.Θα ήθελα να μάθω την σκιπεταρική γλώσσα περισσότερο από έναν σημερινό Σκιππετάρρη για να επιβεβαιώσω πως οι Έλληνες με νου 'μπορούν να τους αποδεικνύουν πόση αλήθεια έχουν στην καρδιά και τι κουλτούρα και πολιτισμό έχουν δώση καθώς και φως στην ανθρωπότητα,στον κόσμο..ιβ.'Θέλουμε έργα πιο επιστημονικά και όχι ''έργα'' για εθνικιστική προπαγάνδα ή για να δημιουργήσουμε κάτι μυθολογικό και ψευδές στο τέλος για εμάς..Aδελφοί συμπατριώτες που μελετάτε το ιστολόγιο αυτό:''ΣΚΙΠΕΤΑΡΟΙ ΜΕΝ ΜΥΘΟΛΟΓΟΥΣΙΝ,ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ Δ'ΟΚΝΟΥΣΙΝ''.''Faleminderit shume per tolerancen dhe durimin tuaj'',δηλαδή ''Ευχαριστώ πολύ για την ανοχή και υπομονή σας''.Disa mendimet akoma ne shqip:α.Ashtu-quajtur historia shqiptare eshte nje amalgame-fenomen e racizmit pa vetedije kombetare,e komunizmit dhe e anti-helenit parlamentarizmit.Edhe sot,ne kete vend,shohim perpjekjat e papermbajtur e disa rrethet te nje propaganda historike globale per te imponuar ne nivel nderkombetar gjendjat shpirterorat e vjedhesat e saja duke fituar te drejten kunder Greqise.β.Shqiptaret bejne perpjekjet per te zbuluar,per te gjetur permes e kaluares nje romantizmi naiv dhe i pamend qe deshiron te dominoje atje ku nuk kane asnje.γ.Kur nje Shqiptar gjetur nuk ka kaluar,nuk vetekenaqet,nuk dekurajon.Eshte per ai nje dhe,keshtu idhujtar duke qene,e mbron perciptas por fort.δ.Kush dhe cfare eshte hero per Shqipetaret tani?Tepelenlis apo Gkioulekas?Tepelenlis apo Boletini?Nje historia e cmendur vetem per Sqiptaret..MεταγλώττισηΜερικές ακόμα σκέψεις στα αλβανικά:α.Η ούτως επονομαζόμενη αλβανική ιστορία είναι ένα φαινόμενο-αμάλγαμα αεθνικού φυλετισμού (δηλαδή,κυριολεκτικά,χωρίς εθνική αυτεπίγνωση),κομμουνισμού και ανθελληνικού κοινοβουλευτισμού.Μέχρι και σήμερα,σε αυτή τη χώρα,βλέπουμε τις ακάθεκτες προσπάθειες κάποιων κύκλων μιας καθολικής ιστορικής προπαγάνδας για να επιβάλη σε διεθνές επίπεδο τις ληστρικές διαθέσεις της διεκδικώντας έναντι της Ελλάδος.β.Οι Σκιπετάροι κάνουν προσπάθειες για να ανακαλύψουν,για να 'βρουν μέσα από το παρελθόν έναν αφελή και απερίσκεπτο ρομαντισμό που επιθυμεί να κυριαρχή εκεί όπου δεν έχουν τίποτε (!)[ιστορικά].γ.Όταν ένας ευρεθείς Σκιππετάρρης δεν έχει παρελθόν,δεν ευαρεστείται το άτομό του,δεν αποθαρρύνεται.Υπάρχει γι'αυτόν ένα και,όντας έτσι ειδωλολάτρης,το υπερασπίζει επιφανειακά αλλά σφοδρά.δ.Ποιος και τι είναι ήρωας για τους Σκιπετάρους τώρα;Ο Τεπελενλής ή ο Γκιουλέκας;Ο Τεπελενλής ή ο Μπολετίνι;Μία τρελή ιστορία μόνο για Αλβανούς..
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